Sunday, December 7, 2014

I Just Read a Post Suggesting That Mike Harris is not a Good Model

Ontario Budget


Anonymous said...

Send that to your buddy Steve Harper. Ol Harper turned 8 balanced liberal budgets into the largest deficits in history.

bertie said...

To cowardly anonymous.Try going through a recession and leading the world out of it.NO FN liberal government ever did that.So put your good for nothing head back up your ass and learn how the great world leaders LEAD and not just comb their hair and steal taxpayer money the Liberal way.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Mike Harris is too many people in Ontario hate the guy. Ontario has always been fairly centrist and generally believed in an activist government so although I supported Mike Harris, I think as long as the PCs continue to tie themselves to him, they will continue to lose. They need to find someone who is centre-right in the Bill Davis mold, which may anger many of the party's more right wing supporters, but at least will pick up enough swing voters to win as well no matter where you stand on the right side of the political spectrum, its a heck of a lot better than the fiscally irresponsible Wynne government.

Anonymous said...

Bertie, liberal banking regulation saved Canada. Harper swore he would never run a deficit and he promised to never give corporate welfare. He was a liar. The balanced liberal budgets occurred during a recession. Check your history. Harper also swelled the size of the public service. We have a deficit because "fiscal conservative" means cut taxes and run deficitis. The GST cuts were bad policy and an election gimmick. Harper lacked the fiscal discipline to cut taxes and expenses. No thanks. Budgets should be balanced. Harper is a failed economist.

Single Female Lawyer said...

Anonymous (2) is right. Harris's fiscal policy was sound, but his public persona needlessly alienated a vast swath of Ontarians.

The provincial PC's think of the Common Sense Revolution as their golden years. It's completely at odds with what the average swing voter in Ontario remembers of that time.